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Vitamin D Depletion
While it has long been assumed that the majority of the population achieves adequate levels of vitamin D through exposure to the sun, the biosynthesis of the nutrient is affected by time of day, seasons, location, smog/pollution, clothing, and sunscreen. In addition, those with darker skin require more exposure to the sun to attain adequate levels. These factors all contribute to the insufficiency seen in a growing portion of the population. In addition, it takes about 48 hours for vitamin D to be absorbed from the skin into the body and washing skin during that time period can interfere with absorption into the blood. Inadequate intake or levels of cholesterol can also inhibit the adequate production of the nutrient. Depleted levels of vitamin D may interfere with the development of teeth and bones and cell growth, and contribute to poor regulation of immune and nervous systems.
Vitamin D has repeatedly been found in literature to be associated with improved cardiometabolic health among pediatric populations, as well as adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship of serum vitamin D and blood fats in a pediatric population found higher vitamin D levels supported a healthier fat profile.
Bone and Dental Health
Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of vitamin D to maintain healthy bone density. Vitamin D has also been found to be linked to an improvement in bone discomfort and “growing pains.”
Immune Health and Modulation
One of the more profound functions of vitamin D is its ability to modulate immunity. Vitamin D has been shown to boost the immune response by up-regulating specific genes that increase cellular production of natural compounds that protect us against pathogens.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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